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    AWS Solutions Architect Associate

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    Microsoft SQL Server

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    Microsoft SQL Server Database Administrator

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    Oracle Database Administrator

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    AWS Devops Associate

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    AWS Solutions Architect Associate

    Module 1 : Cloud Basics

    • Introduction to the Course
    • Introduction & Overview
    • AWS vs Google Cloud vs Microsoft Azure
    • AWS Overview

    Module 2 : IAM

    • Identity Access Management (IAM)
    • IAM LAB
    • IAM Summary

    Module 3 : S3 Storage

    • AWS Object Storage and CDN – S3, Glacier and CloudFront
    • S3 Basics
    • Hands-On: Create an S3 Bucket
    • Hands-On: S3 Version Control
    • AWS S3 versioning
    • Cross Region Replication
    • Hands-On: S3 Life Cycle Management & Glacier
    • CloudFront CDN
    • Hands-On: Create a CloudFront CDN
    • S3 Security and Encryption
    • Storage Gateway
    • Snowball
    • S3 Transfer Acceleration
    • Create A Static Website Using S3

    Module 4 : EC2 & EFS

    • EC2 Basics and Virtualization fundamentals
    • Hands-On: Launching an EC2 Instance
    • Hands-On: Security Groups fundamentals
    • Hands-On: Encrypt Root Device Volume and Create an AMI
    • Sharing AMI and Snapshots
    • Instance Store concepts
    • Load Balancers and Health Checks
    • Elastic load-balancer
    • Elastic File System
    • Autoscaling Groups with Hands On
    • The AWS Command Line and EC2
    • Using IAM Roles with EC2
    • Bootstrap Scripts
    • EC2 Instance Metadata
    • EC2 Placement Groups
    • EC2 Summary

    Module 5 :  DNS Services Route53

    • DNS Fundamentals
    • Route 53 Register A Domain Name
    • Setup Our EC2 Instances Lab
    • Simple Routing Policy Lab
    • Weighted Routing Policy Lab
    • Latency Routing Policy Lab
    • Failover Routing Policy Lab
    • Geolocation Routing Policy Lab

    Module 6 : Databases on AWS

    • Databases Fundamentals
    • Lab: Create our first RDS Instance
    • RDS – Back Ups, Multi-AZ & Read Replicas
    • DynamoDB Fundamentals
    • RedShift Fundamentals
    • Elasticache Fundamentals
    • Aurora Fundamentals
    • Databases Summary

    Module 7: VPC

    • Introduction and Overview of VPC
    • Build Your Own Custom VPC
    • Network Address Translation (NAT)
    • Access Control Lists (ACLs)
    • Custom VPCs and ELBs
    • Deleting VPC

    Module 8: Application Services

    • SQS
    • SWF
    • SNS
    • Elastic Transcoder
    • API Gateway
    • Cloud Watch Fundamentals
    • Hands on: Cloud Watch on EC2
    • Lambda – Concepts
    • Kinesis Fundamentals

    Module 9: Well Architected Framework

    • Overview of Security Processes
    • AWS Risk and Compliance
    • Architecting for the AWS Cloud: Best Practices
    • Well Architected Framework wrt
      • Security
      • Reliability
      • Performance Efficiency
      • Cost Optimization

    Module 10: Other Important Topics

    • Consolidated Billing
    • AWS Organizations Lab
    • Cross Account Access
    • Resource Groups & Tagging
    • VPC Peering
    • Direct Connect
    • Active Directory Integration
    • Workspaces

    Microsoft SQL Server Developer

    Module 1 : Cloud Basics

    • Introduction to the Course
    • Introduction & Overview
    • AWS vs Google Cloud vs Microsoft Azure
    • AWS Overview

    Module 2 : AWS Services and Concepts Overview

    • Identity Access Management (IAM)
    • S3 Storage
    • EC2 and EFS
    • DNS and Route53
    • Databases on AWS
    • VPC

    Module 3 : Continuous Integration 

    • Overview of AWS Code Commit
    • Overview of AWS CodeBuild
    • Overview of AWS CodeArtifact

    Module 4 : Continuous Delivery

    • Overview of AWS CodeDeploy
    • Overview of AWS CodePipeline

    Module 5 :  Deployment Strategies

    • Blue Green Deployments
    • Canary Deployments
    • Linear Deployments
    • All-at-once-Deployments

    Module 6 : Version Control System(Git)

    • Introduction to Git
    • Basic Terminologies in Git
    • HandsOn in Git

    Module 7: Build Tool (Jenkins)

    • Introduction to Jenkins
    • HandsOn various plugins available in Jenkins
    • Execution of Jobs in Jenkins

    Module 8: Containerization System (Docker)

    • Introduction to Docker
    • Basic concepts and networking in Docker
    • Setup of Docker
    • HandsOn in Deployment of docker images

    Module 9: Orchestration System (Kubernetes)

    • Introduction to K8s
    • Basic Concepts of Kubernetes
    • HandsOn in Kubernetes cluster

    Module 10: IAAC

    • HandsOn in Cloud Formation
    • HandsOn in Terraform

    Microsoft SQL Server Database Administrator


    • Understanding of SQL Server Design and Architecture
    • Installation and configuration of MS SQL Database
    • Understand the various tools available in SQL Server
    • Creation and managing the MS SQL Databases
    • Understanding SQL Server file system
      Monitoring and management of MS SQL Server data file and log file
    • Learning Query Design and Query Performance Tuning (overview)
    • SQL Server Disaster Recovery and High Availability solutions
      a. Database Backup and Recovery
      b. Database Mirroring
      c. Replication
      d. Log Shipping
      e. Failover Clustering & Always On(Overview)
    • Understanding the regular Database Monitoring and Managing
    • Understanding SQL Server Mail and Notification Services
    • Understanding the integration features of MS SQL database
    • Creation, monitoring and Managing of MS SQL Database automatic jobs and alert configuration
    • SQL Server security authentication measures
    • Understanding various DBCC and DMV commands on MS SQL Database
    • Creation of users and logins
    • MS SQL Server up-gradation and vulnerability remediation
    • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of MS SQL DBA

    Oracle DBA Course

    1. Linux Overview
    2. DBMS Concept
    3. As a Oracle Database Administrator you would be able understand the Database Architecture, which will help you to perform your DBA duties with better understanding.
    4. As a Oracle Database Administrator you would be able to Install the necessary Oracle Software/Database
    5. As a Oracle Database Administrator you would be able to Manage Tablespace’s to provide required space for the data
    6. As a Oracle Database Administrator you would be able to diagnose the problems and if required will be able to work with Oracle Support
    7. As a Oracle Database Administrator you would be able to Administer User accounts in the Database
    8. As a Oracle Database Administrator you would be able perform Backup and Recovery as needed.
    9. As a Oracle Database Administrator you would be able to configure the Listeners for users to communicate
    10. Database best practices


    Module 1 – Ansible Installation, Configuration & Basic Modules

    • What is Ansible and why is it a Configuration Management Tool.
    • Different features of Ansible.
    • Work model of Ansible.
    • Ansible Installation Steps.
    • Basic Ad-hoc commands & modules of Ansible.
    • Practical session & documentation on the above points.

    Module 2 – Writing Plays and Playbooks

    • Detailed description of Ansible plays and playbooks.
    • Details on YAML ( Yet Another Markup Language) format.
    • Discussion of Playbook commands, syntax checks, dry runs and indentation.
    • Hands-on on different playbook writing.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 3 – Ansible Variables

    • Understanding on Ansible Variable and it’s usage.
    • Defining variables in playbooks.
    • Using variables in playbooks.
    • Host Variables and Group Variables.
    • Use of directories to populate Host and Group variables.
    • Override of variables from the Command Line.
    • Use of Arrays as Variables.
    • Capture Command Output with Registered Variables.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 4 – Ansible Facts

    • Overview of Ansible Facts.
    • Details & Example of different Ansible Facts.
    • Ansible Facts Injection as Variables.
    • Turning off Fact Gathering.
    • Creation of Custom Facts.
    • Use of Magic Variables.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 5 – Ansible Vault

    • What is Ansible Vault and how to use it
    • Creation of Encrypted File and way to view, edit that.
    • Encryption of an Existing File.
    • Decryptionif an Existing encrypted File.
    • Changing Password of an Encrypted File.
    • Playbooks and Ansible Vault.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 6 – Ansible Import & Include and Ansible Parallelism.

    • Details on Ansible Import and Include Operation.
    • Difference of work model in between Import and Include.
    • Details of parameter for Ansible Parallelism.
    • Details of parameter for Rolling Updates with Ansible.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 7 – Implementing Task Control

    • Writing Loops and Conditional Tasks.
    • Loops over a list of Hashes or Directories.
    • Earlier styles Loop Keywords.
    • Use of Register variable with loops.
    • Running of Tasks conditionally.
    • Testing of multiple conditions.
    • Combining Loops and Conditional Tasks.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 8 – Ansible Roles

    • Details of Ansible Roles and usage on simplifying Ansible playbooks.
    • Structuring Ansible Playbooks with roles.
    • Examining the Ansible role structure & Ansible role subdirectories.
    • Defining Variables and Defaults.
    • Use of Ansible roles in a playbook.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

     Module 9 – Implementing Handlers & handling task failures.

    • Details of Ansible Handlers.
    • Describe the benefits of Ansible Handlers.
    • Managing Task errors in plays.
    • Forcing execution of Handlers after Task failures.
    • Specifying Task failure conditions.
    • Ansible Blocks and Error Handling.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 10 – Integrating Ansible with GitHub and AWS.

    • Launch of Instances in AWS and configure password-less SSH for those instances.
    • Configure a Control Node locally.
    • Login to GitHub and creation of Repository.
    • Installation of Git client of Control Node and push custom html file to remote GitHub repository.
    • Write Ansible Playbook to Install package, enable services and download the html file in Managed hosts.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 11 – Automation of Linux Admin Tasks

    • Managing software and subscriptions with Ansible.
    • Optimizing multiple package installation.
    • Gathering Facts about installed packages.
    • Reviewing alternative modules to managed packages.
    • Registering and Subscribing new systems with Ansible.
    • Configuration of YUM repository and Import of RPM GPG key.
    • Managing Users and Authentication with Ansible.
    • Managing the Boot process and scheduled processes with Ansible.
    • Managing services with system and service modules.
    • Managing Storage with Ansible.
    • File system management with Ansible.
    • Managing Network Configuration with Ansible.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 12 – Deployment of Jinja2 templates

    • Templating file and Introduction to Jinja2.
    • Building a Jinja2 template.
    • Deploying Jinja2 templates.
    • Managing Templated files and Control Structures.
    • Variable Filters.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    Module 13 – Managing large projects.

    • Selecting Hosts with Host Pattern.
    • Specifying Hosts as a group.
    • Managing Dynamic Inventories.
    • Contributed Scripts in GitHub.
    • Writing Dynamic Inventory Programs.
    • Practical session & documentation on above points.

    AWS Devops Associate

    Module 1 : Cloud Basics

    • Introduction to the Course
    • Introduction & Overview
    • AWS vs Google Cloud vs Microsoft Azure
    • AWS Overview

    Module 2 : AWS Services and Concepts Overview

    • Identity Access Management (IAM)
    • S3 Storage
    • EC2 and EFS
    • DNS and Route53
    • Databases on AWS
    • VPC

    Module 3 : Continuous Integration 

    • Overview of AWS Code Commit
    • Overview of AWS CodeBuild
    • Overview of AWS CodeArtifact

    Module 4 : Continuous Delivery

    • Overview of AWS CodeDeploy
    • Overview of AWS CodePipeline

    Module 5 :  Deployment Strategies

    • Blue Green Deployments
    • Canary Deployments
    • Linear Deployments
    • All-at-once-Deployments

    Module 6 : Version Control System(Git)

    • Introduction to Git
    • Basic Terminologies in Git
    • HandsOn in Git

    Module 7: Build Tool (Jenkins)

    • Introduction to Jenkins
    • HandsOn various plugins available in Jenkins
    • Execution of Jobs in Jenkins

    Module 8: Containerization System (Docker)

    • Introduction to Docker
    • Basic concepts and networking in Docker
    • Setup of Docker
    • HandsOn in Deployment of docker images

    Module 9: Orchestration System (Kubernetes)

    • Introduction to K8s
    • Basic Concepts of Kubernetes
    • HandsOn in Kubernetes cluster

    Module 10: IAAC

    • HandsOn in Cloud Formation
    • HandsOn in Terraform