In Oracle database, a tablespace is a logical storage container that is used to store data objects, such as tables, indexes, and partitions. It is a way to organize and manage the physical disk space used by the database. Each tablespace consists of one or more data files, which are the actual physical files on the disk where the data is stored.
Permanent tablespaces are used to store permanent data objects, such as tables and indexes. Temporary tablespaces are used for sorting and temporary storage operations. Undo tablespaces are used to store undo data, which is used to roll back changes made to the database. Default tablespaces are the tablespaces where objects are created if no specific tablespace is specified.
As DBA we need to monitor the Tablespace Size and this article will help you to do so.
SQL Query To Find Tablespace Space Utilization Of All The Tablespaces
Below Query will return the allocated size, used and free percentage.
set pages 50000 lines 32767
col tablespace_name format a30
col TABLESPACE_NAME heading “Tablespace|Name”
col Allocated_size heading “Allocated|Size(GB)” form 99999999.99
col Current_size heading “Current|Size(GB)” form 99999999.99
col Used_size heading “Used|Size(GB)” form 99999999.99
col Available_size heading “Available|Size(GB)” form 99999999.99
col Pct_used heading “%Used (vs)|(Allocated)” form 99999999.99
select a.tablespace_name
,a.alloc_size/1024/1024/1024 Allocated_size
,a.cur_size/1024/1024/1024 Current_Size
,(u.used+a.file_count*65536)/1024/1024/1024 Used_size
,(a.alloc_size-(u.used+a.file_count*65536))/1024/1024/1024 Available_size
,((u.used+a.file_count*65536)*100)/a.alloc_size Pct_used
from dba_tablespaces t
,(select t1.tablespace_name
,nvl(sum(s.bytes),0) used
from dba_segments s
,dba_tablespaces t1
where t1.tablespace_name=s.tablespace_name(+)
group by t1.tablespace_name) u
,(select d.tablespace_name
,sum(greatest(d.bytes,nvl(d.maxbytes,0))) alloc_size
,sum(d.bytes) cur_size
,count(*) file_count
from dba_data_files d
group by d.tablespace_name) a
where t.tablespace_name=u.tablespace_name and t.tablespace_name=a.tablespace_name order by t.tablespace_name;
Along with that below query will help you to find the datafile details of a particular tablespace in Oracle Database.
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col file_name for a60
select file_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024,autoextensible,sum(maxbytes)/1024/1024 from dba_data_files where tablespace_name=’SYSAUX’ group by file_name,autoextensible order by 1;